Produced by Our Story Productions "Destination Small Town" television show and website has made it their mission to provide an ever growing library spotlighting the small towns and counties we call home! With over 1,500 small town featured DST truly is the best place to learn about life in a small town!  

Click on DST logo to visit our website. 

Join the OSP announcer as he shares what he learned about Our Story Productions

located in Fairmont MN

On "Martin County on TV" Fairmont Opera House Executive Director Blake Potthoff interviews OSP Executive Producer Jeff Rouse.

Want to learn all there is to know about the county no one can find click on this logo!

To see the best of KLUK's Talk Shows


To see all the episodes of KLUK TV's soap opera spoof  click on this logo.

KARE11 / Land of 10,000 Stories Boyd Huppert shows us how a local soap opera became a big hit in the small town of the Midwest!

Here you will find a TV commercial that promoted ALL the unique (some would say corny) KLUK TV programs seen on Destination Small Town. 

This TV commercial promoted the talk show produced by KLUK TV distributed by Our Story Productions. 

This commercial promoted  the soap opera (some would say reality show) that shares the lives of the citizens of Sweet Swine County. 

This television commercial invites viewers to visit and learn all about the small towns of the Midwest.