Our Story Productions television show "Martin County on TV" presents a numerous number of episodic TV programs. Each have been developed to spotlight different aspects of life in Martin County MN.

Filmed at Our Story Studios "Martin County on TV" is airing daily 9 AM & PM on Midco Channel 12 in Fairmont. Each episode is posted on the Martin County on TV Facebook page and You Tube channel.

Here you will find the 2023-24 lineup of shows featured on OSP'S Martin County on TV! !

CLICK HERE  to see all the episodes of Downtown Louis

CLICK HERE  to see all the episodes of Educating with Faith!

CLICK HERE  to see the episodes of Welcome Neighbor!

CLICK HERE to see the episodes of Their Sacrifices Our Freedom

  CLICK HEREto see all the episodes of Talking Business!

CLICK HERE  to see all the episodes of Imagine Martin!

CLICK HEREto see the episodes Veterans Strengthening America

   CLICK HERE to see all the episodes of Out of the Past!

CLICK HERE to see all the episodes of Agri-Culture!

CLICK HERE   to see the episodes of Where's That Business!